Topic 23: Verbs with stative and dynamic uses

Resultado de imagen para verbs with stative and dynamic uses en español
En inglés, los verbos pueden ser estáticos (Stative) o dinámicos (Dynamic). Los Stative Verbs son aquellos que no indican una acción propiamente dicha y el rasgo más sencillo para distinguirlos es que no tienen sentido si los conjugas en Present Continuous.


"Dynamic" is an adjective which means something is moving or changing. 

In English grammar a "dynamic verb" means that the verb describes an action rather than a state. Dynamic verbs are sometimes known as "action verbs."


"Stative" is an adjective which describes something as having a state, or existing (this is a very uncommon adjective). 

In English grammar a "stative verb" means that the verb describes a staterather than an action.

Stative verbs are sometimes known as "state verbs." 

Resultado de imagen para dynamic verbs and stative verbs


Resultado de imagen para dynamic verbs and stative verbs

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